Everyone should have the opportunity to perform at their best, to stay active, and live their life to the fullest. At Precision Motion Physical Therapy, we strive to make this a reality for all of our clients. If you are playing at the highest club level in your sport, participating in collegiate sports, or you want to continue participating in your favorite sport, we are the best physical therapy choice for you. Through the use of our state-of-the-art pressure mapping system and hi speed video recording, we offer services you can't find anywhere else.
It began as my passion for motion analysis in physical therapy school. Fully understanding how the body is moving and the impact that external and internal forces have on the welfare of the body is essential to performance and safety. Video analysis alone cannot provide all the data a clinician needs for a thorough motion analysis. Through years of research and trials, we found the best option for our clients. Pairing pressure mapping insoles and hi-speed video analysis, we offer our clients a service that can't be beat in the clinical setting. The pressure mapping insoles easily fit into your shoes and within seconds we are tracking every movement, every step. We can obtain a full understanding of how you move and how we can build the perfect program just for you.

Get to Know Us

Ricky Pickett, DPT
Owner, Physical Therapist